Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Morning raga

8:45 AM: *phone rings*
You: Hmm?
Friend: Run Lola Run!
You: Huh?
Friend: Run Lola Run!
*You check time and jump out of bed. At a time when you are supposed to be in class, you were lying sprawled in your boxers. You pick up the first pair of clothes that you can reach, open the door and run*
8:46 AM: Leave quad
8:47 AM: Reach the backdoor of Goels. Yes, you run FAST. Take the Goel’s kitchen shortcut. *Seeing you run, staff promptly moves away from the corridor*
8:48 AM: In the lift *fuck! Which classroom!? You text your friend*
8:48:10 AM: Second floor. Empty. *Which one, which one! AC 6? Is it 6? Guess so. You run for 6*
8.48: 30 AM: Outside AC 6. You see a familiar face inside. Is he in my section!? Looks like! You enter.
*Half way through your chair, you see it’s occupied by somebody else. Everyone is staring at you as if you entered wearing a fur boa!!  What happened!? You entered the wrong fucking class! I knew nothing good will come out of this section change! I don’t even know who is in my section!*
8:50 AM: You quietly move out as people try and control their laughter.
8:51 AM: You enter the right class.
And as you settle down, and look at the time, you cannot imagine all that happened in six minutes FLAT!
Life IS fast at ISB! Zzzzz!


  1. Hahaha, this has happened to all of us and yet it never ceases to be funny!

  2. next morning 8:14 AM: phone rings
    Friend: Where are you?
    You: hmmm
    Friend: AC4 quick
    You: okie

  3. @manali: I dont think it ever will :)

    @Guptesh: Lectures, LTs, CP....Sab moh-mayaa hai
